w— # Display name title: “Makena Savola”

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authors: - “makena-savola”

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Role/position (e.g., Professor of Artificial Intelligence)

role: Master’s Candidate


organizations: - name: Cal State Northridge url: ""

Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts)


List each interest with a dash

interests: - Motor Control

education: courses: - course: B.S. in Kinesiology - Exercise Science institution: Cal State Northridge year: 2017-2021 - course: M.S. in Kinesiology - Motor Control institution: Cal State Northridge year: 2021-Present

Social/Academic Networking

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email: ""

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highlight_name: false

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user_groups: - Graduate Students — Makena is currently a first year graduate student pursuing her masters in Kinesiology with an emphasis in motor control. This past spring she graduated from California State Northridge with a B.S. in Kinesiology with an emphasis in exercise science. Makena has aspirations of becoming an Occupational Therapist working with children with special needs in the near future. Outside of school and the lab you can find Makena outdoors enjoying nature, fishing or in the garage working/helping on different project cars.
